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What is migraine and how is it triggered?

What is migraine and how is it triggered?

Migraine is an extreme headache disorder. It is characterized by recurrent headaches which can be moderate or severe. The headache causes by migraine affect one half of the head. The headache is pulsating in nature. Migraine attacks can last from two to seventy-two hours. Since migraine triggering is unique in every person, scientists are yet to find the base cause of migraine attacks.
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Signs and symptoms of Migraine

Signs and symptoms of Migraine

Migraines are typically self-limited. Its recurrent severe headache is associated with autonomic symptoms. Mostly, every other individual who suffers from migraine headaches experience them with frequent aura. The severity of the pain, duration of the headache, and frequency of the attacks are different for every person. A migraine that lasts more than 72 hours is termed as status migrainosus.
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Natural dietary options for quick weight loss

Natural dietary options for quick weight loss

What if someone tells you that eating regularly can actually make you lose weight? That’s right! The trick lies in what you eat and how much you eat. There are certain foods that have been found to promote weight loss. Making these food items a part of your diet can help you shed some kilos easily.
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Benefits of a balanced diet for weight loss

Benefits of a balanced diet for weight loss

A balanced diet consists of a variety of foods that can provide adequate amounts of nutrients, necessary for our good health. To understand the importance of a balanced diet in our lives, it is important to know what all benefits it offers. Following are the benefits that a regular intake of balanced diet offers.
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Small yet effective dietary changes for weight loss

Small yet effective dietary changes for weight loss

Weight loss is an objective that several people profess. In their efforts to achieve quick results, some people bring sudden, drastic changes in their dietary routine “ things that can create problems. On the other hand, those who take baby steps end up achieving not only quick, but lasting weight loss.
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How to cure a cold and flu

How to cure a cold and flu

Cold and flu are very much similar and in many cases, they are often confused with each other. In many circumstances, even while the symptoms are explained to the doctor we tend to give out incorrect information as a result of which an incorrect treatment can be provided. The symptoms can be similar and though many of the medications used for cold can be used for the flu virus, the procedure has to be stopped at some point in time as the prolonged usage may lead to other symptoms and conditions altogether.
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