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Top 7 Unbelievable Home Remedies For Ear Infections

Top 7 Unbelievable Home Remedies For Ear Infections

Ear infections can be painful, and can affect your daily life. It often starts with a dull throb, and moves on to become a sharp stabbing pain. Sometimes, the pain can move down to your jaw and neck, and make it difficult for you to concentrate on anything. According to a survey, more than two-thirds of children around the world, suffer from middle ear infection at least once by the time they turn three.
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Habits that can keep colon issues at bay

Habits that can keep colon issues at bay

Colon issues develop due to unhealthy eating habits. Irregular food cycle is also one of the reasons people suffer from various colon issues. Some of these issues can take turn for worse and turn into a life-threatening condition. Hence, it is necessary that you follow proper diet and eat healthy food to keep colon issues at bay.
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Home remedies for ear infections

Home remedies for ear infections

Ear infections occur more often in children than in adults. It is a result of virus or bacteria action in the middle part of the ear. It can be a painful experience if you ignore the initial signs and symptoms. The sharp and throbbing pain in the ear can spread to your jaw and neck and cause discomfort.
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Signs and symptoms of colon cancer

Signs and symptoms of colon cancer

There are a number of common colon issues, colon cancer being the most feared one amongst the extensive list of ailments. But the risk factors that are associated with colon cancer are more the reason to get proper and immediate treatment. Rick factors that increase the chances include old age, a personal history of colorectal cancer or polyps, inflammatory intestinal conditions, inherited syndromes that increase colon cancer risk, family history of colon cancer, low fiber or high fiber diet, diabetes, obesity, smoking, alcohol amongst others.
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Guard against these common ENT infections

Guard against these common ENT infections

The human body is quite vulnerable to different kinds of infections which are caused by malicious external agents. What is being implied is that, every part of our body is vulnerable to infections. The most common infections that can cause mild irritation to severe pain are the Ear-Nose-Throat infections, popularly known as ENT infections.
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Here are the causes behind nose bleeding

Here are the causes behind nose bleeding

The nose is an organ that is sited on the most prominent part of the face and contains an abundance of blood vessels. The bleeding of the nose is not uncommon and many people undergo this issue. However, in most cases, it is not a condition that is connected to a serious medical problem.
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