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5 home remedies for maintaining a healthy thyroid

5 home remedies for maintaining a healthy thyroid

Every part of the body is assigned a role to play, and only the proper execution of this role ensures that the person remains healthy and fit. More than half of the world’s population suffers from the malfunctioning of the thyroid gland, which leads to two conditions known as hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.
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5 tell-tale signs of an underlying thyroid disorder

5 tell-tale signs of an underlying thyroid disorder

Every part, organ in the body has one or multiple functions to perform, which ensures that the body functions to its full potential. A slight disruption in the functioning of either of these organs can result give rise to a plethora of health issues. One of the most common disorders that a majority of people across the globe suffer from is related to the functioning of the thyroid gland.
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4 essential tips to coexist with a thyroid disorder

4 essential tips to coexist with a thyroid disorder

In a bid to lead a healthy life, we mend our ways and start eating healthy food and exercising. This does allow us to lead a considerably healthy life. However, only healthy food and working out do not determine the total health of the body. When the various organs and other parts of the body function in accordance, only then can one say that he’s totally healthy.
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Health issues related with thyroid – Taking a closer look

Health issues related with thyroid – Taking a closer look

A brief overview on thyroid The thyroid gland is located below Adam’s apple or at the base of the neck. The thyroid gland is a vital part of the endocrine system. As we know that the endocrine system is a crucial system that takes care of the functioning and coordination of different activities of the body.
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Treatment for hashimotos disease

Treatment for hashimotos disease

Hashimoto’s disease is the result of a swelling on the thyroid located in the front portion of the neck. The swelling leads to a goiter that can cause trouble in swallowing and some other complications. It is caused when the immune system attacks the tissues around the thyroid, this is a hormonal condition as the attack prevents the thyroid for creating new hormones.
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Life expectancy with COPD

Life expectancy with COPD

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, going by the household name of COPD, is a chronic condition. This condition is faced about approximately 24 million users till the current date. The primary organ affected by this disease is the lungs, the breathing capacity of the lungs drops significantly as their condition starts to deteriorate.
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