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Immune system disorder – Symptoms, causes, and risks

Immune system disorder – Symptoms, causes, and risks

Immune system disorder causes the immune system to act abnormally — either more than usual or less than usual. In case the immune system is acting more than it is supposed to, it identifies tissues of the body as external bodies and attacks them. Immune system deficiency, on the other hand, causes a drop in the ability of the body to fight external bodies, thereby resulting in exposure to infections.
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Heart diseases – Its symptoms, causes, and risk factors

Heart diseases – Its symptoms, causes, and risk factors

Heart disease is a cluster of diseases that affect the heart. The different diseases that come under this cluster are various blood vessel-related conditions, like coronary artery disease, congenital heart problems, and heart problems related to the rhythms or arrhythmias. The terms heart disease and cardiovascular disease are often used interchangeably.
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Joint conditions – Symptoms, causes, and risks

Joint conditions – Symptoms, causes, and risks

Joint conditions refer to any condition or disease that affects the joints. Arthritis is the most well-known and commonly occurring joint disease, while there are several others that impact the health of individuals across the world. Diseases related to the joints can be both short-lived or they can turn chronic and require surgery and other serious treatment.
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All you need to know about kidney and liver failure

All you need to know about kidney and liver failure

Hepatorenal syndrome is a condition that is identified as a type of kidney failure that occurs in people who have serious damage caused to the liver, commonly due to cirrhosis. When the kidney stops functioning, toxins begin to accumulate in the body which leads to liver failure as well. Therefore, kidney and liver failures are co-dependent in this case.
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Menopause – Symptoms, causes, and risks

Menopause – Symptoms, causes, and risks

Menopause is a stage that marks the end of a woman’s menstrual cycles and fertility, and it is diagnosed when a woman doesn’t menstruate for 12 consecutive months. Usually, menopause occurs in women between the ages of 40s and 50s, but in some cases, early onset may cause a woman to reach menopause in her late 30s as well.
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Symptoms, causes, and risk factors of mental health issues

Symptoms, causes, and risk factors of mental health issues

Mental health is a term that is collectively used to understand illnesses that include symptoms that might have an impact on the thinking, mood, and behavior of a person. Mental health problems might make it difficult for people to concentrate on work or maintain a positive work-life balance. There might even be problems pertaining to relationships when a person is dealing with mental health problems.
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