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5 foods that help manage cholesterol levels

5 foods that help manage cholesterol levels

Cholesterol is a waxy substance produced by the body and is also naturally present in certain foods. When found in excess, it can take up space in the arteries, narrowing them and constricting blood flow. There are two types of cholesterol: HDL (good cholesterol) and LDL (bad cholesterol). The latter is harmful and gets deposited in the bloodstream, increasing the heart disease risk.
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4 high-cholesterol foods to avoid

4 high-cholesterol foods to avoid

Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in our body that settles in the arteries. There are two types of cholesterol: LDL or low-density lipoprotein and HDL or high-density lipoprotein. Out of the two, LDL is bad, while HDL is good as it helps in excreting excess cholesterol from the body.
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5 foods to tackle the symptoms of depression

5 foods to tackle the symptoms of depression

Depression is a mood disorder that can get serious if it’s not treated in time. It can lead to symptoms that affect how one may think, feel, or how they handle daily activities like eating, working, or sleeping. Along with treatments for depression, there are certain foods that one can consume to get relief from the symptoms of depression.
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Foods to avoid to manage depression

Foods to avoid to manage depression

Depression is a state of mind where one experiences extreme sadness and aloofness. This is characterized as a mental health illness and needs professional guidance. Going to therapy and taking medications, if prescribed, is the best way to cope with this illness. However, it is also important to look into other factors like lifestyle and nutrition.
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Top 4 foods that help manage seizures

Top 4 foods that help manage seizures

Seizures are characterized by sudden and uncontrolled electrical disturbances in the brain. Studies suggest that there are ways to manage seizures. These include making certain changes in eating habits and lifestyle. Just like doing regular exercise is vital for overall well-being, a wholesome, nutrient-dense healthy food regimen is essential for the proper functioning of the body.
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Common food allergies and their symptoms

Common food allergies and their symptoms

Allergies are characterized by the immune system’s abnormal reaction to harmless foreign substances like latex, pollen, and certain foods. Food allergies are quite common, making it difficult for some to enjoy a whole palate of ingredients. Fortunately, many get tested early on to understand what foods they are allergic to and even get medical help.
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