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Essential Guide to Clinical Trials

Essential Guide to Clinical Trials

Introduction Clinical trials are foundational to the advancement of medical science and the improvement of patient outcomes. These meticulously designed studies test the efficacy and safety of new medications, therapies, and treatment protocols while adhering to stringent ethical and regulatory standards. This comprehensive guide serves as an overview of clinical trials, detailing their phases, regulatory considerations, and the pivotal role they play in modern healthcare.
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Kidney Failure – Causes, Symptoms, and Management

Kidney Failure – Causes, Symptoms, and Management

The kidneys play an indispensable role in the body, filtering out toxic and undigested substances. Unfortunately, 1 in 7 adults in the country deal with kidney disease, which can eventually lead to kidney failure. That’s why one should address any problems with urination or excretion as soon as possible and seek treatment.
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6 Early Warning Signs of Spondylosis and its Management

6 Early Warning Signs of Spondylosis and its Management

Cervical spondylosis is an age-related degenerative health condition that affects the cervical spine or the soft disks that cushion the vertebrae and the bones in the spine. It results from the general wear and tear of the bones and cartilage in the neck and can lead to stiffness in the area.
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Insulin Pumps for Type 1 Diabetes – Types and Benefits

Insulin Pumps for Type 1 Diabetes – Types and Benefits

Type 1 diabetes is a chronic condition characterized by the pancreas producing little to no insulin due to an autoimmune response. While its onset commonly occurs during childhood or adolescence, it can develop at any age. The main form of treatment involves insulin therapy, which is administered through an insulin pump and other devices.
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8 Home Remedies for Chronic Urticaria

8 Home Remedies for Chronic Urticaria

Urticaria, also called hives, is a skin condition that causes itchy welts to appear all over the body. When these welts last for more than six weeks and reappear over the course of months or years, they are referred to as chronic urticaria or chronic hives. Like a few other skin conditions, the true cause of chronic urticaria is unknown.
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5 Ways to Find the Right Headache Specialist

5 Ways to Find the Right Headache Specialist

Headache disorders, like migraines, are quite common. For some individuals, headaches can be chronic and debilitating, necessitating the expertise of a headache specialist. But, the American Headache Society states that there is just one headache specialist for every 80,000 individuals who experience frequent episodes. The gap in these numbers is concerning and can make it difficult for individuals to choose a competent specialist.
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