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4 high cholesterol foods that should be avoided

4 high cholesterol foods that should be avoided

The human body needs cholesterol for various functions. The fat-like substance helps in hormone-building and cell formation. However, one should ensure that their cholesterol levels do not rise beyond a certain point. High cholesterol can clog the blood vessels. This can disrupt blood flow to the arteries. Most often, high cholesterol is an outcome of poor food choices.
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4 Top Health Insurance Companies You Must Know About

4 Top Health Insurance Companies You Must Know About

For most people, health is one of the major areas of expense. This is why buying health insurance plans is one of the most prudent decision anyone can make to have a stable financial life. After all, nothing is more precious than our health. However, buying health insurance coverage is not an easy task.
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Explore the disability benefits offered by the Federal government

Explore the disability benefits offered by the Federal government

The government has several federal programs to offer aid and assistance to people with various medical conditions. The Social Security Administration (SSA) is chiefly responsible for implementing and maintaining these policies. For disability, in particular, the benefits are paid under two separate programs, Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income.
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Nasal polyps – Causes, symptoms, and treatments explained

Nasal polyps – Causes, symptoms, and treatments explained

Nasal polyps are benign growths that cover the lining of the nose tissues and sinuses. A polyp is a bulging teardrop-shaped formation that blocks the nasal path, and it usually hangs from the nasal lining. Prolonged irritation of the sinus and inflammation of the lining can trigger the growth of these polyps, but the condition can be easily managed with medications.
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Understanding the link between nasal polyps and allergies

Understanding the link between nasal polyps and allergies

Nasal polyps are noncancerous growths that occur in the nose or sinuses. These growths are shaped like tear drops, and can be found in the area where the sinuses meet the nasal cavity. Those that are small in size usually cause no trouble and need minimal treatment. Large nasal polyps can often affect breathing and block the drainage from the sinuses.
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Benefits of portable ultrasound machines

Benefits of portable ultrasound machines

An ultrasound machine is a tool commonly known to monitor fetus movements. But it is also used to detect, diagnose, and treat minor and major diseases like gallstones, heart conditions, and cancer. First invented in the early 1900s, the ultrasound machine produces images of the inside of soft tissues by using high-frequency sound waves.
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