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What Is An Endowment Loan And Why It Is A Risky Affair

What Is An Endowment Loan And Why It Is A Risky Affair

Endowment loans are an interesting and a very popular concept, especially for college students. Unlike how a traditional loan payment is wholly made to the lender, here, only the interest is repaid to the lender while the principal amount is channeled into an endowment fund. The lender is paid the interest on the mortgage for a fixed tenure, while the principle amount of the loan is invested in funds that would yield good profits and eventually pay back the loan’s principal amount.
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What Is Amortization

What Is Amortization

Amortization is the breaking down of a loan into a batch of fixed payments over a period of time. The interest and principal amount of a loan can vary each month but that has to be paid off even though your overall payment is equal for each period. Amortization is an accounting word that can be used for other balances as well such as allocating certain costs over a lifetime for an intangible asset.
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10 Smart Ways To Get A Small Business Loan

10 Smart Ways To Get A Small Business Loan

In the recent times, entrepreneurship has seen quite a high rise. To ensure a smooth functioning of the business, it is imperative for small business owners to know the various ways to procure small business loans. Here are the ten best and easiest ways for you to get access to a small business loan.
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What Is A Bridge Loan

What Is A Bridge Loan

Bridge loans are used to provide immediate cash flow to tide over difficult times until a company can secure long-term finance. The borrower will use the loan as working capital. These loans carry a high interest rate and are backed by collateral. Let us look at what bridge loans offer as opposed to traditional loans:
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What Is A Conforming Loan

What Is A Conforming Loan

When going for an evaluation of home loans, customers get often confused with the terms conforming and nonconforming. The two are very distinct from each other based on their offerings. Let us look at what a conforming loan is. Conforming loan A conforming loan is a mortgage that is equivalent to the established amount as per the conforming loan limit specifically set by the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA).
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What Is A Jumbo Loan

What Is A Jumbo Loan

Going by the word literally, jumbo loans could spark either hope in a struggler who has dreams or fear in the worst of financial defaulters. A jumbo loan is also called a jumbo mortgage. It is a form of housing finance for which the loan amount is greater than the limits set by the Federal Housing Finance Agency.
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